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Sake tasting with Bygland Bryggeri 満席
7:00 PM19:00

Sake tasting with Bygland Bryggeri 満席

Registration is closed now, as all seats have been filled. 満席

J-NS welcomes you to a special sake tasting event in collaboration with Bygland Bryggeri.

Bygland Bryggeri is currently the only brewery in Norway producing sake.

We have the pleasure to welcome Torkjel Austad from Bygland Bryggeri who will guide us through his journey in making this Norwegian sake.

We will taste 4 different kinds of sake paired with snacks.

Fee members: 500NOK
Fee non-members: 550NOK

Payment: Please wait for our confirmation. After confirmation is received, kindly transfer the fee to 1609.04.42094 before March 18 and mark the payment “Sake tasting 2025”.

Cancellation policy: After March 18th (EOB) cancellations will not be refunded.

The event will take place in a private residence located near Vega Kino. The address will be communicated to registered participants.

The number of seats is limited, please register as soon as possible.

Welcome and kanpai!

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7:00 PM19:00

Japanese Tea Ceremony in the spirit of ’Murakami by Murakami’ 円相・Ensō

Norwegian Culture Inspired Japanese Tea Ceremony vol.3

Japanese Tea Ceremony in the spirit of ’Murakami by Murakami’ 円相・Ensō
Traditional, Pop, Kawaii Tea ceremony in 3 different styles

Date: 06. April 2017 19:00-21:00
Place: Vingen Bar, Astrup Fearnley Museet Strandpromenaden2, 0252 Oslo
Participation Fee: 250 kr for members / 300 kr for non-members
 (Incld. Participation fee and one drink at reception)

19:00: Traditional Tea Ceremony Demonstration in a flower circle
19:30: Reception, Calligraphy demonstration, Guests’ Participation to Ceremony
Omotesenke in traditional style by Yasuko Oki
Urasenke in Pop Norwegian style by Ole Marius Tørrisen
Enshū-ryū in Kawaii style by Håkon Vadstein
Guests can choose one of three different tea ceremony styles at your participation
Special ‘Murakami’ cocktail will be served at the reception
Calligraphy demonstration by Masayo Sato
Bring with you: Your favorite “cushion”
Please notice that at the demonstration, we will ask our guests to be seated on the floor.
We recommend bringing your favorite “cushion” or something per each to make
yourself comfortable!!
Registration: Please send e-mail to before April 2nd
-Write down ”Tea Ceremony ” in the subject area.
-Write down your preference alcohol or non-alcohol.
-Write down your preference at participation ceremony
1) Omotesenke in traditional style, 2) Urasenke in Pop Norwegian style, 3) Enshū-ryū in Kawaii style.
-We will take ”first come - first serve” policy.
Payment: Bank account No. 1609 04 42094 (The Japan Norway Society).
-Mark payment with your name and ”Tea Ceremony”.
-For JNS members, please write down ‘JNS’.
-We ask for the fee to be paid by April 3rd.
-Registration will be completed by confirmation mail after your payment attendance fee.
Cancellation policy: After April 4th will be full charged.
Contact to as soon as possible before this deadline.
Maximum participants: 45 guests

The Japan Norway Society
Collaboration with Vingen Bar
Sponsored by Palais des Thes

Norwegian Culture Inspired Japanese Tea Ceremony vol.3 円相・Ensō’Murakami by Murakami’
展からの発想 伝統的な、ポップな、可愛いお茶会

日時:     2017年4月6日(木)19:00-21:00
会場: Vingen Bar, Astrup Fearnley Museet Strandpromena -
den2, 0252 Oslo
会費: 会員250 kr /非会員 300 kr(お茶席体験、レセプションでの1ドリンク含む)
19:00:     お茶会のデモンストレーション
19:30:     お茶席体験、書道デモンストレーション、レセプション
          大木靖子(表千家講師)、O l e Marius T ø r r i s e n( 裏千家)、
          Håkon Va d s t e i n( 遠州流)佐藤暢代(書家)
-お茶席体験では、1. 伝統的なスタイルの表千家、2. ポップなノルウェースタイルの裏千家、
3. 可愛いお盆点ての遠州流のいずれかをお選び頂けます(各回人数に限りあり)
-レセプションでは、V i n g e n B a r 特製のM u r a k a m iスペシャルカクテルを楽しみながら
お願い: クッションをご持参ください。
お申し込み: e v e n t @ j - n s . n o  4月2日までにメールでお申込みください。
お支払い: No. 1609 0 4 42094 (The Japan Norway S o c i e t y ) 4月3日
キャンセルについて: 4月4日以降のキャンセルは、返金いたしかねますので予めご了承くださ
い。キャンセルのご連絡は、e v e n t @ j - n s . n oまでお早めにご連絡ください
協賛:Vingen Bar
協力:Palais des Thes

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1:00 PM13:00

花見の日 Hanami-dagen / Japansk familiedag

花見の日 Hanami-dagen / Japansk familiedag

Åpen Invitasjon til Japansk familiedagen ("flower-viewing day" in Japanese)

Japansk familiedag, 2017: søndag, 5.mars, kl.13:00-15:00 i Historisk museum (Frederiksgt.2, Tullinløkka) 

Alle i Oslo inviteres til en japansk familiedag, Hanami-dagen. Et møtested for Japan-interesserte og en hyggelig dag for vennskap. 

Vårt årlige dugnadstiltaket arrangeres av H. Kimura, helt siden 1998, i samarbeid med diverse museer og mange dugnadsdeltakere. Det japanske arrangementet er en gave fra oss til alle. Ta med barna, barnebarn, venner og besteforeldre. Åpent for alle. Velkommen ! Ta med deg et stort smil: ☺

Program: (Med forbehold om endringer)
• Japansk musikk, Åpning med hilsen, Sing-along, kimono-damer og yukata-barn! 
• Utstilling av Ikebana (blomster-kunst), Gratis bøker o.l. 
• Oppvisning av Kendo, Aikido, Origami(papirbretting), IGO(sjakk)… 
• For barna: Prøv Happi(japanske jakker) og yukata, Origami(papirbretting) osv.. 
• Kom i japansk klær, hvis du har en, yukata, kimono eller kostyme.
• Gratis: bøker, gaver, japansk te og riskjeks (ocha & okaki), kun så langt de rekker. 
• Brosjyrer. Japan-relaterte foreninger, aktiviteter informeres. Velkommen! 

• Hvis du vil hjelpe meg/delta, for å glede andre, ta kontakt med meg: 木村博子 ☺
☺ Hiroko Kimura, organizer/dugnadsleder, Tlf.: 9587 3034,

NB: Museet har inngangspenger : Barn= 0 Gratis, Voksne=kr.100, studenter/seniorer=kr.80

✄ ✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀ ✄

Japansk familiedag: Hanami-dagen 2017: 花見の日(第20年目since 1998) 
Date/Time: Sunday, March 5, 13:00-15, 3月5日(日曜) 13時より 

Venue: Historisk museum, The University Museum of Cultural History, 
歴史博物館 (Tullinløkka / Frederiksgt. 2)

 With Japanese music, Martial art (Kendo, Aikido etc), Origami(paperfolding). 音楽、剣道、合気道、折紙,
 Exhibitions of Ikebana (flower-arrangement) 生花、kimono-ladies 着物、pamphletsパンフレット,
 Try children's Happi/jackets.ハッピ etc. Hiroko’s used books for Kr.0 無料の古本など。
 This event is a present from us to all the visitors (dugnadsgave fra oss til alle). Please bring your children,.friends & grandchildren. お子様やお孫さんやお友達とごいっしょに、どうぞ。
 Come & join us --- in yukata or kimono - if you have one. ☺ Please bring your smile, too!
 Gratis/Free: gifts, Ocha (お茶Japanese tea) and okaki おかきrice crackers) but, limited amount.
 Our Japanese event is もちより& a pot-luck/dugnad/ Open & FREE無料 and everyone is welcome! 

 NB: Please note that the Museum of History requires Entrance Fee (children=kr.0, adult=kr.100, student/senior=kr.80…) 
 花見の日 もちより参加 、茶・おかき。古本等の寄贈、あるいはなんでもお手伝いして下さる方は歓迎。ご連絡下さい。
 Will you perform yourself, join or help me? Please contact Hiroko 木村博子. 
 If you can bring okaki(rice crackers) to reduce my expenses, I will be very happy. 

dugnadsleder/organizer, Hiroko Kimura: Tel: 9587 3034 ☺ 

✄ ✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀❀❀✿❀ ✄

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6:00 PM18:00

忘年会 ・ Year-End Party @ Sato Dining

Julebords are organized towards Christmas in Norway.
In Japan we cannot go without good Bonenkai – End-of-the-Year Party.

J-NS would like to follow this tradition and celebrate the end of 2016 with you at Sato Dining. Please join us for sumptuous Japanese feast. Mr. Sato has promised the following:

Welcome drink by house Amazake made from fresh sake kasu (a special thanks to Nøgne Ø, the first sake brewery in Europe)
Food will include
- edamame, karaage and harumaki.
- assortment of gourmet sushi.
- the grand finale will be Shabu-Shabu!!

If you have not yet registered, this is the time to do so! You are all welcome!! Members 375 kr, non-members 425 kr. Please register at: marking Bonenkai.

日諾協会では2016年忘年会を佐藤ダイニングで開催します。万障お繰り合わせのうえご参加ください。佐藤様の豪華なお料理を一緒に堪能いたしましょう。参加費:会員375kr、非会員425kr 。参加登録はevent@j-ns.noまで「忘年会」と明記してご返信ください。

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1:30 PM13:30

Guided tour of Japanomania in the North 北欧の日本マニア ガイド付き鑑賞会のご案内

Guided tour of Japanomania

We are pleased to invite J-NS members to a guided tour (English and Norwegian) of Japanomania in the North at two museums in collaboration with Norwegian Society for Oriental Ceramics (NSOK). We will start from the National Gallery and then move to the Museum of Decorative Arts and Design.

August 31 (Wednesday) 13:30 -

Participation fee: Adult 100Kr, group discount 70 Kr, senior/student 50Kr.  (JNS and NSOK members only)

Before the tour, tables can be reserved for lunch at the French Room of the National Gallery.

The space is limited for this tour (15 for J-NS members) and it will be arranged on a first-come-first-served basis. 

Please respond to clearly marking your wish to participate in the guided tour of Japanomania and if you wish us to book a table for your party at the French Room. Those who wish to join the group for Lunch are expected to be at the French Room no later than 12:00 noon that day. Those who are only joining for the tour, please join us at the National Gallery by 13:15.

Looking forward to an exciting tour of the exhibition together.

北欧の日本マニア ガイド付き鑑賞会のご案内

8月31日 13時半より







Japanomania i Norden 1875–1918 bli med på en guidet vandring i utstillingen: onsdag 31. august kl 1330 – med start på Nasjonalgalleriet

Vi er så heldige å få sjefskurator Vibeke W Hansen ved Nasjonalgalleriet og kurator Linn Christiansen ved Kunstindustrimuseet til å guide oss i utstillingen – varighet ca 1,5 time.

Japan Norway Society (JNS) vil generøst sponse kostnaden for omvisningen. Inngangspenger betales av deltagerne; 100 kr per voksen eller 75 pp for grupper over 10 og 50 kr for pensjonister. Vi kommer til å beregne den mest fordelaktige prisen basert på påmeldinger. Derfor oppgi om du er pensjonist (> 67 år). De som ønsker å delta på lunsj kl 12 i Den Franske Sal før omvisning, må meddele oss dette slik at vi kan reservere bord!

Viktig! Det er en absolutt grense på 15 personer, så førstemann til mølla!

Meld deg på snarest mulig:


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1:00 PM13:00

Guided tour: Johns+Munch. Free guided tour for J-NS members.

Free tour of Munch Museum: Johns+Munch on June 23rd at 13:00 hours

Idemitsu generously offer a free guided tour of the next Munch exhibition, Johns+Munch. Please see more info about Johns+Munch

The space is limited and for members of the society only. Please sign up by sending an e-mail to by June 17th. 

ムンク美術館Johns+Munch展覧会ガイド付きツアーのご案内 (6月23日13時〜)




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10:00 AM10:00

Japanomania i Norden (utstilling på Kunstindustrimuseet og Nasjonalgalleriet)

Japanomania i Norden

17. juni 2016–16. oktober 2016

Japansk innflytelse på nordisk kunst og design 1875–1918
Kunstindustrimuseet og Nasjonalgalleriet

Ved forrige århundreskifte satte japansk kunst sitt preg på billedkunst, design og mote og dannet opptakten til modernismen i Norden.

Japanomania – begeistringen for det eksotiske Japan

Japan-inspirasjonen, eller japonismen som den kalles i kunsten, utviklet seg etter at Japan åpnet grensene i 1854.  Den eksotiske kunsten fra landet i øst ble umiddelbart beundret og fikk stor betydning for impresjonistene og designreformistene i Europa.

Forenkling, asymmetri, friere former og stiliserte naturmotiver var stiltrekk som revolusjonerte kunsten og kunsthåndverket. Operettene Mikadoen og Geishaen gjorde stor suksess og skapte en bølge av Japan-mani. 

For første gang vises den japanske kunstens mangfoldige innflytelse på nordisk kunst og design omkring 1900. Verk fra Gerhard Munthe, ThorvaldBindesböll, Bruno Liljefors ogHelene Schjerfbeck presenteres sammen med verk av pionerer som Monet, Gauguin og van Gogh.

Utstillingen består av to deler som utfyller hverandre og vises samtidig i Kunstindustrimuseet og Nasjonalgalleriet.

- See more at:

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Norwegian Culture Inspired   Japanese Tea Ceremony   “ichi・go・ichi・e (for once in one life)”
2:45 PM14:45

Norwegian Culture Inspired Japanese Tea Ceremony “ichi・go・ichi・e (for once in one life)”

Norwegian Culture Inspired               Japanese Tea Ceremony                           “ichi・go・ichi・e (for once in one life)” 

Saturday, May 28th, 2016 3:00 pmー5:00 pm (Open the doors 2:45 pm) 

The Japan Norway  Society and Oslo International Club / Oslo International Hub in co-operation invites to the Japanese traditional tea-ceremony event.

Traditional Japanese tea ceremony could be said as comprehensive art style, letting us experienced Japanese aesthetic values. Usually the host prepares wholeheartedly choice of places, interior and exterior, painting, tools, cloths, food, scent, kinds of tea, including a delicate temperature of the water to make a just cup of tea.

This hospitality is completed in the shape of minimalism and perfectionism, well known “zen” style. 

The tea ceremony has some rules but ultimately, all rules are needed just only to respect the spirit, which is that host and guest must cherish together this moment right now. This is the spirit called “ichi-go-ichi-e (for once in one life)”.  In short, if you respect this “ichi-go-ichi-e”spirit, you can give your own ceremony mixed with Norwegian or the other culture.

For this time, supported by HOLE DESIGN in Oslo, we will try to give a new “Norway-Japan” style of tea ceremony. 

HOLE DESIGN will design the table exclusively for this event, inspired by the way of tea ceremony.  Mr. Lars Ernst Hole, the designer of HOLE DESIGN will have a short lecture about how Norwegian design industry can collaborate with Japanese traditional culture and artisan works. Small reception follows after the ceremony. 

All attendance will taste a cup of “Matcha” (high quality green tea) , maximum 30 people of attendance can try to join the ceremony. We also offer some flavored Japanese teas, supported by Dobashi-En from Tokyo.   

Let’s join us and share a cup of tea!

We are also highly welcomed, dressed in Japanese traditional “Kimono” style:)


2:45 pm door opens

3:00 - 3:20 pm tea ceremony

3:20 - 3:40 pm short lecture

3:40 pm - tea ceremony trial 

4:00 pm - small reception                                                                                                

5:00 pm end of program

Demonstrators; Svein Westad (Teacher at Urasenke Tankokai Tea Ceremony Group Norway), Yasuko Oki (Lecturer of Tea Ceremony at Omotesenke)  

Place             : Oslo International Club - Oscars Gate 27 Oslo

Price             : 150 NOK for JNS and Oslo International Club/Hub members 200 NOK for                             non-member

The fee includes; Tasting Matcha Tea & Sweets, Flavored, Teas, Finger Foods (Sushi)

-If you want to join, please send e-mail to before Tuesday May 24, writing down "Tea Ceremony " in the subject area.

-We will take "first come - first serve" policy. Registration will be completed by confirmation mail after your payment attendance fee. We ask for the fee to be paid by May 24th. Bank account No. 1609 04 42094 (The Japan Norway Society). Mark payment with your name and "Tea Ceremony".  

-For JNS or Oslo International Club/Hub members, please write down  #JNS or #Club/HUB at your payment.

(Please send an e-mail to if you want to take the opportunity as and become a JNS member. )

- Cancellations after May 24th will be full charged. If you want to cancel your registration, please contact to as soon as possible before this deadline.  

- Maximum number of participants is 60. 30 of participants can try to join the ceremony. Please actively participate when we ask for at the ceremony!

This event is co-hosted by the Japan Norway Society and Oslo International Club / Oslo International Hub .

Special supported by HOLE DESIGN and Dobashi-En.

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1:00 PM13:00

Hanami Day (organized by Hiroko Kimura)

An Invitation to the 19th Hanami Day 2016: 花見の日: 日本の日

Sunday, April 3, 13:00-15:00, at Historisk museum   

Japanese Day at the Museum of Cultural History, Tullinløkka

 (Annual event since 1998, in various museums) 

Bring your children & friends. Enjoy the day together, with us! Our event is open and everyone is welcome! ☺Please join us with your smile.  ☺


   Date/Time:  April 3, Sunday, 13:00 hrs.--15:00 hrs.   

 Venue: Museum of History & Cultural Heritage, Historisk museum-UiO, Frederiksgt.2. 

 Cost:           Our Japanese event itself is Free & is a dugnad/pot-luck event, in which all of us contribute for you to have a nice time.)  

 NB: The Museum has its Entrance Fee (in 2016: adult=kr.80, children= free, seniors=kr.50 etc.) which gives you access to all exhibitions in the building, incl. East Asia exhibition. . 

 Detailed Program will be informed later, with possible changes : 

 Welcome and Opening, Japanese music, Sing-along, Poetry Reading…

 Japanese Martial art, Ikebana, I-Go(sjakk), Kimono-ladies, Origami, children’s kimono, etc. 

 Free /Gratis: Japanese tea and rice crackers, Japanese books/items from the attic.

 If you have a Japanese dress in silk or cotton, Kimono or Yukata, or a costume, please wear it. 

If you like to join or help me, please contact: Hiroko Kimura, dugnadsleder & organizer since 1998. 

E-mail:  Tel.: 9587 3034 


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5:00 PM17:00

Japansk kulturfestival @ Oslo Handelsgym. / Japanese Culture Festival at Oslo Commerce School

Dear Member of Japan-Norway Society, 

On Feb 18th from 17 - Ca 19,  the 8th Japanese Culture Festival takes place at  at Oslo Handelsgym. The studens will sing Japanese, translate a Norwegian eventyr to Japanese and do a presentation about Japan. 

Members of Japan-Norway Society are welcome to join! 

For access, please see:

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3:45 PM15:45

apan-Norway Society Art Event. Mapplethorpe + Munch.

Dear Member of Japan-Norway Society, 

I am pleased to inform you about a unique opportunity to have guided tour of the new exhibition at Munch Museum. Mapplethorpe + Munch which opened last week. See the following link for details.

At the courtesy of Idemitsu, members of Japan-Norway society can enjoy a free guided tour. 

Date: Thursday Feb 18th. 

Start at 16:00. Get together at museum lobby at 15:45 pm. 

Guide will be Sigrun. 

Note: This is a joint activity with Idemitsu staff and max 30 participants. First-come-first-serve. 

Please sign up by e-mail ( by Monday Feb 15th. 

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Tsugaru-shamisen/Shinobue konsert på Munchmuseet
6:00 PM18:00

Tsugaru-shamisen/Shinobue konsert på Munchmuseet

Japans ambassade i Norge, i samarbeid med Japan Foundation (JPF) og Munchmuseet, inviterer til konsert med de tradisjonelle japanske instrumentene tsugaru-shamisen og shinobue på Munchmuseet søndag 20. september kl. 18.00.

Utøverne, de etablerte musikerne Chie Hanawa og Kazuya Sato, er for tiden på en Europaturné støttet av JPF.

Konserten er gratis og åpen for alle, men vi ber gjester registrere seg per e-post ( eller telefon (22 01 29 00).

Mer informasjon om konserten:

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Van Gogh + Munch Guided Tour
2:45 PM14:45

Van Gogh + Munch Guided Tour

This master meeting of masters has been the greatest international success of
our Munch Museum. Together for the first time, these two artists who
faced many of the same challenges of life and chose so similar motives, were looking through very different eyes when they created their art. We have this maybe "once in a life-time" chance to see it before it soon closes, and again by the generous hospitality of
IDEMITSU Petroleum Norge, we can enjoy it free of charge. Sigrun Rafter, excellent art historian and educator, will be our guide and lecturing us on this meeting. You can read more about the exhibition here: van-gogh-in-the-munch-museum/

We can be max. 30 persons. We will meet in the lobby 15 minutes before the
tour starts at 15.00 hours. Please note that due to security, big bags cannot be
brought inside and must be put in the lockers downstairs. If you wish to
attend, please let me know early/latest day before so I can put you on the list. Email:

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Van Gogh+Munch
3:15 PM15:15

Van Gogh+Munch

For the first time we can see these 2 great masters side by side. Central works with 75 paintings and 25 works on paper, plus some comparative works by other artists makes this a great and rare occation. Time: We shall meet in the museum lobby at 15:15.  As before, the wonderful expert Sigrun will guide us on this tour. Participants are max. 30, so please book early, as first come first etc. Admission: Thanks to the generosity of Idemitsu Petroleum Norge, it is free of charge. Read more about the exhibition here, and to be on the list, e-mail: bjorn.o.holta

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Art in Nature & Nature in Art
to Jun 21

Art in Nature & Nature in Art

Our member Elin Dahlin invites us to her Ikebana event, organized by The Art Society of Drøbak. She displays her ikebana in context with the watercolour paintings by her father. Drøbak town is a short busride (541 from Oslo Busterminal) and a real charm where Oslo Fjord is at its most narrow.  At  "Varmebadet" in "Badeparken", close to the church.  First day open from 13:00-16:00, then Thursday to Sunday 12:00-16:00. 

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Food Culture Event
1:00 PM13:00

Food Culture Event

Ecological food for a sustainable society; from "sansai" & hunting mushrooms, gathering berries and edible plants to the modern cuisine, are important culture we like to support. A Food Culture Event by Food studio, Future Farmers & Growlab Oslo. Masayo Funakoshi from Kiln restaurant in Kyoto, famous for her unique ability to use local plants & cooperate with farmers, will be there. They want document it, please take a look at their works: Foodstudio films. Here is schedule for the day: Program

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