The Japan-Norway Society of 16.11 1977
amended Thursday, February 16th, 2023
Art. 1. Name & Location
The name of the Society is The Japan-Norway Society, and the Society shall have its office in Oslo, Norway.
Art. 2. Aims & Activities
The Society shall promote friendly relations, mutual understanding and cultural interchange between the peoples of Japan and Norway.
In order to fulfill these aims, it may arrange meetings, discussions, and lectures, organize working groups, exchange information, grant scholarships and donations, conduct research etc.
Art. 3. Directors & Officers
The Board of Directors shall consist of at least 3 members and maximum 10 members, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting (the "AGM"). The members of the Board of Directors shall elect among themselves the following officers, if not otherwise elected by the AGM: President, Treasurer, and other positions as deemed necessary.
The Board of Directors shall ensure that the interests of the Society are properly taken care of, and shall have overall responsibility for the management of the Society’s accounts.
The President represents the Society, if not otherwise decided.
The term of office for the elected Directors is two years. All are eligible for re-election.
A Nominating Committee is to be elected at the AGM for a period of one or two years. It shall consist of 3 members. The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to identify members who can be proposed to the AGM as candidates for the Board of Directors. The President is entitled to have meetings with the members of the Nominating Committee.
If a member of the Board of Directors has for some reason to resign during the elected period, the President may, after consultation with the Nominating Committee, appoint an interim replacement.
Art. 4. Members and Voting Rights
The Society has the following categories of members:
* Corporate members and organizations
* Single members
* Youth members (25 years or younger)
* Family members
* Honorary members
All members have equal voting rights, one vote each.
Membership is by application. The Board of Directors approves or rejects applications at its discretion without specifying any reason. Membership is dependent on payment of the membership fee.
Honorary membership may be proposed to the Board of Directors, and decided by the AGM.
By a decision of the General Meeting (whether Annual or Extraordinary), a member may be expelled from the Society. Such a decision requires a majority vote of the members present. The reasons for expulsion shall not be disclosed publicly.
Art. 5. Annual General Meeting
The AGM shall take place during the first quarter of each year. Members shall be given at least 30 days’ notice, and supporting documents shall be sent out at least 14 days before the AGM. Members may suggest topics for the AGM agenda by informing the Board of Directors in writing at the latest one week after the calling of the AGM.
The AGM agenda shall include the following items:
* Report of the previous year’s activities
* Accounts for the previous year
* Budget and plans for the current year
* Membership fees for the coming year
* Elections of the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee
* Other matters as stated in the notification of the AGM
The Board of Directors may call an Extraordinary General Meeting if deemed necessary. Members shall be given at least 14 days’ notice, and supporting documents shall be sent out at least 7 days before the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Art. 6. Treasury & Accounts
The Society’s expenditure shall be met by membership fees and contributions.
The fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
Membership fees cover the fiscal year and the renewal is due by the end of February of the same year.
Membership fees are structured into 5 categories:
* Corporate members and organizations
* Single members
* Youth members (25 years or younger)
* Family members
* Honorary members
Art. 7. Changes of the Articles of Association
Changes to the Articles of Association shall be decided on by the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting, and require a majority of two thirds of the members present.
Art. 8. Dissolution
The dissolution of the Society shall beapproved by three quarters of the members present and voting at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened solely for this purpose.
In the event of the Society being dissolved, the remaining assets of the Society shall be used for Japan-Norway friendship activities. The Extraordinary General Meeting will decide on appropriate activities.