Oppdag Japans skjulte skatter - bli med på en reise til det ukjente Japan
4:30 PM16:30

Oppdag Japans skjulte skatter - bli med på en reise til det ukjente Japan

matsumoto castle

2025 markerer 120 år med diplomatiske forbindelser mellom Japan og Norge. For å feire dette inviterer J-NS på en kveld der vi vil inspirere til å reise til de mindre kjente områdene i Japan.

OPPDATERING (16.03.2025)

Takk for at så mange har meldt seg på!
Arrangementet har blitt veldig populært, derfor kan vi ikke garantere sitteplasser til alle. Vi anbefaler å komme tidlig hvis du vil sikre en sitteplass.

Hvis du ikke lenger kan komme: Meld deg gjerne av arrangementet (nederst i påmeldingsskjemaet).

Vi blir ledet gjennom kvelden av:

- Den norske forfatteren og journalisten Ina Strøm som har publisert boken "En japansk vår" (Cappelen Damm)

- Japanske turistforeningen Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

- Ryokan-eksperten Anette Yamamoto Hansen

- Reiseoperatøren Japaneksperten, spesialisert på reiser til japan

Programmet akkompagneres med kotospill fremført av Liv Lande.

Palais des thés sponsrer japansk te som dere kan nyte i løpet av kvelden.

Arrangementet er gratis og åpent for alle, men registrering kreves.

Antallet sitteplasser er begrenset.

Dørene åpner kl 16:30.

Programmet starter kl 17:00.

Programmet slutter ca. kl 18:30.

Dato: 26. mars 2025

Sted: Norli Universitetsgata, 2 etasje

Adresse: Universitetsgata 22-24, 0162 Oslo

Hjertelig velkommen!

Japansk te sponset av Palais des thes.
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Sake tasting with Bygland Bryggeri 満席
7:00 PM19:00

Sake tasting with Bygland Bryggeri 満席

Registration is closed now, as all seats have been filled. 満席

J-NS welcomes you to a special sake tasting event in collaboration with Bygland Bryggeri.

Bygland Bryggeri is currently the only brewery in Norway producing sake.

We have the pleasure to welcome Torkjel Austad from Bygland Bryggeri who will guide us through his journey in making this Norwegian sake.

We will taste 4 different kinds of sake paired with snacks.

Fee members: 500NOK
Fee non-members: 550NOK

Payment: Please wait for our confirmation. After confirmation is received, kindly transfer the fee to 1609.04.42094 before March 18 and mark the payment “Sake tasting 2025”.

Cancellation policy: After March 18th (EOB) cancellations will not be refunded.

The event will take place in a private residence located near Vega Kino. The address will be communicated to registered participants.

The number of seats is limited, please register as soon as possible.

Welcome and kanpai!

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J-NS Annual General Meeting 2025
6:00 PM18:00

J-NS Annual General Meeting 2025

We invite our J-NS members to our Annual General Meeting.

Location: Inpex Idemitsu (Lysaker Torg 25, 1366 Lysaker)

Starting time: 6pm (doors open at 5:20pm)

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Japan-Norway Society will be held on Tuesday the 11th of  February 2025 at 5:30 pm.   This invitation is only for J-NS  members in the calendar year 2024. 

For corporate members, up to 5 participants may join and for family members, 2 members of the family may join. 

Venue for the meeting is Inpex Idemitsu’s office on the 4th floor at Lysaker Torg 25 at Lysaker. Doors will open at 5:20 pm. The meeting will take about 45 minutes. After the formal part of the AGM, light refreshments will be served and there will be time to socialize. The meeting will finish at 7:30 pm. 

Please register your participation by filling out the google form in this link. 


Please register before the deadline which is the 4th of February. 

The AGM will be accessible digitally as well. A link will be distributed to the participants prior to the event.

Agenda for Annual General Meeting:

1. Welcome remarks by the President of the Japan Norway Society and the Ambassador of Japan
2.  Report of the activities and accounts 
3. Presentation of the detailed accounts

4. Elections (for new board members and nominating committee member)

5. Plans for the coming year 

If anyone wants to raise any other issues at the meeting, please inform the board at least one week before the meeting (by the deadline for submitting the registration form) to ensure a smooth operation.  There will be a section to express your requests and comments on the registration form.  

We plan to send out invoices for the renewal of your memberships in 2025 and kindly wish to request you to transfer the following amount to Bank Account No. 1609 04 42094 

before the AGM. We thank you for your continued patronage and thank those members who have already paid your annual membership fee for 2025.

Corporate Member: 2000 NOK

Family Member: 450 NOK

Single Member: 300 NOK

Youth Member: 150 NOK 

Please also note that the AGM related documents will be distributed to you by 28th of January, two weeks before the AGM. 

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Muligheter i Japan? Svar på spormsmål og gode råd om studier og arbeid i Japan
6:00 PM18:00

Muligheter i Japan? Svar på spormsmål og gode råd om studier og arbeid i Japan

Disse vil være tilstede for å gi deg det du trenger av informasjon:

Japanske språkstudier i Norge
- Universitetet i Oslo
- Universitetet i Bergen

Universitetsstudier i Japan
- Japans ambassade

Jobb i Japan
- GoXplore

+flere aktører kunngjøres når de er bekreftet.

Det er mulig å følge arrangementet online via lenke du finner her.

Lenke til facebook: facebook-arrangementet

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A message to humanity - Guided Tour at the Nobel Peace Center
4:00 PM16:00

A message to humanity - Guided Tour at the Nobel Peace Center

We invite our J-NS member to a guided tour of the current exhibition A message to humanity at the Nobel Peace Center. The Peace Prize’s exhibition honors Nihon Hidankyo, 2024’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate, fighting for a nuclear weapon-free world.

Please register by filling out our form: Registration form

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Bonenkai 2024
6:00 PM18:00

Bonenkai 2024

We are thrilled to extend an invitation to Bonenkai at Alex Sushi's special basement party room on Thursday, the 5th of December 2024, from 18:00-21:00 or later.

Registration is closed. Thank you for participating! We welcome you again next year.
Participation fee for a special three course menu will be:
Members: 550 NOK
Non-Members: 650 NOK

We have a special offer!

Should a non-member wish to become a J-NS member in 2025, you may wish to pay your 2025 membership fee before the Bonenkai and qualify for a member discount for the Bonenkai as well.
In such a case, please fill out this form for your 2025 J-NS membership.

We look forward to celebrating the end-of-the-year and in the run-up to the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony in a truly Japanese style together with you! 

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Japanese Collection at the Historical Museum
5:00 PM17:00

Japanese Collection at the Historical Museum

  • 34 Kabelgata Oslo, Oslo, 0581 Norway (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to invite our members to an evening with Anne Håbu from the Historical Museum who will give a short lecture on "The Japanese Collection at the Historical Museum" followed by a close-up look at some artefacts from the collection.

Participation is free of charge.

Date: 24th October 2024 (Thursday)

Time: 5pm

Location: Archive of the Historical Musem

Address: Kabelgata 34 (near Risløkka T-bane station)

Lecturer: Anne Håbu

Please note that the number of participants is limited to 20 and reserved on a first-registered, first-served basis. Kindly use this form for your registration. Deadline for registration is 20 October 2024 COB.

Link to registration form:

Registration form

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7:00 PM19:00


Join us for Suiyokai  (casual / after work/ social gathering) at Kanpai Izakaya at Parkveien on September 17th from 19:00.

This is the first time in a few years that we’re having this gathering!

Let's enjoy Japanese food with a Norwegian twist and kampai with sake in a cozy and Japan-inspired atmosphere of Kanpai Izakaya.

On this occasion J-NS has booked the seats, so participants purchase their food and drinks.

Seats are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis, and are limited so please register as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Registration closed.

We are very excited to welcome as many of you there.

Venue: Kanpai Izakaya, Parkveien 1b, 0350 Oslo

Date: 17th September (Tuesday)

A la carte menu

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2024 Summer Reception
6:00 PM18:00

2024 Summer Reception

*This is a closed event (for 2024 members only)

We are pleased to inform you that the J-NS Annual Summer Reception will be organized on the 6th of June from 16:00 to 18:00. The invitation, registration form, and additional details will soon be sent out to those who are our current 2024 members, and therefore kindly ask you to save the date for our biggest annual event.

Kindly note that this invitation is for a maximum of one person for single, honorary and youth members, a maximum of two people for family members, and a maximum of five people for corporate members.

A tentative programme for the 6th of June is as follows;

  • 15:40 Door will open for registration

  • 16:05 Welcome remarks by the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. SUGIYAMA Akira

  • 16:10 Remarks by Ms. Ingrid Fjeldsenden, J-NS President. Thereafter, the garden will be open for the members to socialize. 

  • 18:00 End of reception

You are kindly requested to bring your ID to be presented at the registration desk

As vehicles will not be allowed to enter the Residence grounds for parking/drop-off, you are strongly recommended to use public transportation (It takes just 2-3 minutes from the nearest bus stop “Tråkka” to the Japanese Ambassador's residence on foot). 

Should you have a mobility issue, kindly request a special arrangement at the end of the registration form.  

We look forward to welcoming you all!

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12:00 PM12:00

Untitled Event

Come join us for a Sunday walk (søndagstur) on Bygdøy!

On Saturday 5th of May JNS invites you to join us to walk to the beautiful island of Bygdøy in Oslo. In Bygdøy we’ll walk on coastal paths as well as in the Bygdøy forest. We’ll pass Sæterhytten on Dronningberget, the little «castle» Oscarshall, the Royal family’s summer residence and their farm.

Please also bring a bento for lunch. Dogs are also very welcome!

We will start at 12 o’clock and stay out for 3-4 hours. The walk itself will take about 2 hours. We’ll meet at Skøyen stasjon at 12.00 outside the station building on the southern side.

The event is for JNS-members. Non-members can join in company of a member. Please tell on Facebook if you will come or send an email to post@j-ns.no.

If the weather is not on our side, we’ll postpone it.

Contact person and guide: Ingrid (+47 95194894)

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2024 Business Benkyoukai: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Scaling Up!
6:00 PM18:00

2024 Business Benkyoukai: Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Scaling Up!

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) Scaling Up!

On March 21st our Business “Benkyoukai” (mini-seminar) series kicks off again. Here we focus on presentations and lectures on business topics concerning Norway-Japan relations. The aim for J-NS is to create an arena to increase your professional knowledge, as well as meet both new acquaintances and potential business partners.

Mr. Takuma Ihara (First Secretary, Embassy of Japan) will deliver a keynote speech; Japan’s CCS roadmap and its expectation on potential collaboration with Norway. Gassnova will promote the development of cost-effective and future-oriented solutions for CO2 management through technology development and competence building. Ms. Jørild Svalestuen (Senior Advisor) will give an overview of Norway’s CCS value chain and Norway-Japan collaboration on CDR from biomass (BiCRS).

Altera Infrastructure is working to provide cost efficient floating CCS infrastructure solutions for a global market, not limited to size nor geographical location. Mr. Tor Syverud (EVP New Ventures) provides his big picture. Capsol Technologies’ vision is to accelerate the world's transition to a carbon negative future. Mr. Johan Jungholm (CCO) will give us an introduction about their strategy and technology.

Northern Lights plays the key role of “Longship project”, where K- Line Group is determined to work together undertaking the management of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Liquefied CO2 (LCO2) vessels, and contribute to safety & reliable LCO2 transportation. Mr. Shinichiro Saigusa (GM, Carbon Neutral Development Group, “K” Line (Europe) will be giving us an introduction of its activities in LCO2 transportation business. Inherit Carbon Solutions has the right team to realize a carbon negative vision. Mr. Mike Carpenter (Co-Founder & CEO) will present their ambitious strategy.

A light meal (by Alex Sushi) and soft drink is included in the participation fee.

Venue: Oslo Handelsgymnasium, Parkveien 65, 0254 Oslo.

Time: 18:00-20:30


Members/Students: NOK150

Non-Members: NOK190

 Payment can be made by bank transfer to 1609.04.42094 (CCUS), or by VIPPS (search for " Japan Norway Society" and choose the event in the menu). Kindly pay before the registration deadline (March 14th).

Please register by the following link: https://forms.gle/T63ceJh3GuJUS9aXA or by sending us an email on: event@j-ns.no . 50 seats are available, so sign up before March 14th to secure your seat!

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AGM 2024 - More information to come!
6:00 PM18:00

AGM 2024 - More information to come!

Mark your calendars and save this date! Like last year the AGM will be held at Inpex Idemitsu’s office at Lysaker. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Japan-Norway Society will be held on Thursday the 15th of  February 2024 at 6:00 pm.  This invitation is only for J-NS  members who paid their 2023 membership fee.

For corporate members, up to 5 participants may join and for family members, 2 members of the family may join. 

Venue for the meeting is Inpex Idemitsu’s office on the 4th floor at Lysaker Torg 25 at Lysaker. Doors will open at 5:30 pm. The meeting will take about 45 minutes. After the formal part of the AGM, light refreshments will be served and there will be time to socialize. The meeting will finish at 8:00 pm. 

Please register for your participation by filling out the google form in this link. https://forms.gle/cyqmyMX6gPbweFCBA

Please register before the deadline which is the 8th of February. 

The AGM will be accessible digitally as well. A link will be distributed to the participants prior to the event.

Agenda for Annual General Meeting:

1. Welcome by the President of the Japan Norway Society

2.  Report of the activities and accounts (Please see annual report attached)

3. Presentation of the detailed accounts

4. Elections (Please see attached proposal for new board members and nominating committee member)

5. Plans for the coming year (Will be presented at the meeting)

If anyone wants to raise any other issues at the meeting, please inform the board at least one week before the meeting to ensure a smooth operation.

It would also be highly appreciated if our 2023 members take this opportunity to kindly renew their J-NS membership in 2024. Kindly transfer the following amount to Bank Account No. 1609 04 42094

Corporate Member: 2000 NOK

Family Member: 450 NOK

Single Member: 300 NOK

Youth Member: 150 NOK 

We look forward to welcoming you all on the 15th of February.

Best regards,
J-NS Board of Directors

NOTE: This event is only for J-NS members who paid the 2023 membership fee.

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Study and work abroad opportunities for Norwegians (and language courses in Norway
6:00 PM18:00

Study and work abroad opportunities for Norwegians (and language courses in Norway

  • 65 Parkveien Oslo, Oslo, 0254 Norway (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Would you like to study or work in Japan? Japan Norway Society and the Embassy of Japan invites you to join our event on the 16th of January 2024! *This session will be held in Norwegian.

Event date: 16th of January 2024 from 18.00 to 20.30

Venue: Oslo handelsgymnasium (OHG)

- High school exchange in Japan

AFS will inform about exchange opportunities in Japan, both a full year exchange as well as Japanese language school during summer. Other exchange organisations will also be present.

- Japanese studies at Norwegian Universities

University of Oslo and University of Bergen will present their Japanese study programs

- Studies in Japan

Take part of your degree or a full degree at a Japanese university. The Embassy of Japan in Oslo will provide information about possible opportunities.

- Working in Japan

GoExplore will present their working holiday-program.

This event will be livestreamed, so if you can’t make it in-person, you can join online using this link! Participants will be let into the Teams meeting at 17:45.

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Lecture: The Polar explorer Roald Amundsen’s road to Japan by Anna Karoline Johnsen
6:30 PM18:30

Lecture: The Polar explorer Roald Amundsen’s road to Japan by Anna Karoline Johnsen

  • 2 Frederiks gate Oslo, Oslo Norway (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

J-NS and the Historical Museum have the pleasure of introducing Anna Karoline Johnsen and her lecture about the Norwegian national hero and polar explorer, Roald Amundsen (1872-1928). Amundsen was the first human being ever to reach the South pole in 1911. He also crossed the North Pole in an airship named Norge. Amundsen was invited to Japan by Hoochi Shinbun in 1927 and held a series of lectures.

Anna Johnsen is a J-NS member and her lecture builds on her Master’s thesis ‘The road to Tokio’: the polar explorer Roald Amundsen’s adventure in Japan. Johnsen has found that Amundsen was received by thousands of people all over the country. Even the Japanese Emperor Hirohito received Amundsen in a rare visit. In the media he was compared with Columbus and Vasco da Gama and was portraited as an explorer travelling in peace.

The lecture is held in cooperation with the Historical museum and in relation to the very popular samurai exhibition. During Amundsen’s visit to Japan in 1927 a samurai armour was given to Amundsen. This armour is now in the possession of the museum and is one of the many highlights of the samurai exhibition.

Please join us on Thursday 14 th of December at 17.00. The event is free of charge and open for all but with a limited number of seats. As of this time, the event is now SOLD OUT!

However, the Samurai exhibition is open until the 30 th of December 2023.

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Guided tour of Samurai Exhibition
6:00 PM18:00

Guided tour of Samurai Exhibition

A guided tour of the Samurai Exhibition; Thursday November 2nd kl. 18:00-19:00 or later.

Some of you joined the opening of the Samurai exhibition at the Historical Museum in Oslo on the 15th of June. See www.historiskmuseum.no for more details. JNS supports the exhibition and there will be three exclusive guided tours for J-NS members free of charge. The guided tours will be on the following dates:

The first tour on the 26th August will include a aprox 45 minute lecture by a professional curator in the lecture hall and a visit to the exhibition hall. Due to the limited space of the exhibition hall, the maximum number of participants for every guided tour is limited to 20 people on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Members of the Japan-Norway Society are invited to a guided tour of the Samurai Exhibition on the 2nd of November 2023. Please register here before 27th October 2023.


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Forest walk in Lillomarka Sunday 22 October 11:00-15:00
11:00 AM11:00

Forest walk in Lillomarka Sunday 22 October 11:00-15:00

J-NS will arrange another forest walk in Lillomarka Sunday 22th of August.

The walk will take place on forest trails along Aurevatn and up to Lilloseter sportsstue, where you can buy drinks and snacks. Total walking distance is 10 - 11 km. The walk starts (and ends) at Ammerud utfartsparkering at 1100. A simple way of getting there by car is to take Road 4 to the Ammerud exit, drive up Ammerudveien (about 1 km), take left at Alundamveien (see sign Lilloseter P), after ab. 100 m take right at Lilloseterveien and reach the parking lot in 150 m.Walking from Ammerud subway station you can take the same route.
Trails are not smooth, so please wear boots with ankle support or solid rubber boots. Please wear long pants. Otherwise, just dress for the weather.

Please sign up for the walk by October 18.

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Flavors of Japan - Japanese tea and meal tasting “Ichiju Sansai in Autumn”
6:00 PM18:00

Flavors of Japan - Japanese tea and meal tasting “Ichiju Sansai in Autumn”

The Japan-Norway Society will host an evening serving Japanese tea and complementary meal in collaboration with Spill the Tea and Keiko Moriguchi, a former board member of J-NS.

A tea sommelier of Spill the Tea will give us a small lecture and introduce 5 sorts of authentic Japanese tea. Ms. Moriguchi is looking forward to sharing Japanese home cooking, making “Ichiju Sansai 一汁三菜”, a typical Japanese meal which is composed of rice, soup and three dishes, with ingredients that symbolize Autumn. Consisting of mackerel in miso sauce(鯖の味噌煮), Potato with meat(肉じゃが), spinach with bonito flakes(ほうれん草のおひたし), rice(ご飯) and miso soup(お味噌汁), in addition a Japanese sweets Sweet potato yokan(芋羊羹), this is sure to be a real autumnal treat.

Participants can taste both Japanese tea and meals in carefully selected tasting combinations. After the event, participants will have the chance to buy Spill the Tea's own brand of tea.

This event is sponsored by Obento

Date & Time: 6th October 18:00-20:00

Place: Rodeløkka Vel Tromsøgata 22 B 0565 Oslo

Participation fee:

300kr for J-NS members

400kr for non-members

Payment: Kindly transfer the fee to 1609.04.42094 or Vipps (The Japan Norway Society) before 1st October, and mark the payment “Flavors of Japan”.

Cancellation policy: After 1st October cancellations will not be refunded.

Please register for the event before October 1st.

Maximum participants: 15 persons (first-come, first-serve)

We look forward to an evening of tasting and pairing Japanese tea and food together!

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Free Guided Tour of Samurai Exhibition at Historisk Museet for JNS members
6:00 PM18:00

Free Guided Tour of Samurai Exhibition at Historisk Museet for JNS members

  • 2 Frederiks gate Oslo, Oslo Norway (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A guided tour of the Samurai Exhibition; Thursday October 5th 18:00-19:00 or later.

Some of you joined the opening of the Samurai exhibition at the Historical Museum in Oslo on the 15th of June. See www.historiskmuseum.no for more details. JNS supports the exhibition and there will be three exclusive guided tours for J-NS members free of charge. The guided tours will be on the following dates:

·   Thursday 5th of October at 18.00

·       Thursday 2nd of November at 18.00

The first tour on the 26th August will include a aprox 45 minute lecture by a professional curator in the lecture hall and a visit to the exhibition hall. Due to the limited space of the exhibition hall, the maximum number of participants for every guided tour is limited to 20 people on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Please register https://forms.gle/AGLzF7117qcFNrF59 for the guided tour lead on October 5th before August 29th.

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Piano Concert by Ms. Shizuka Shimoyama
4:00 PM16:00

Piano Concert by Ms. Shizuka Shimoyama

  • Japanese Ambassador's residence, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This special concert is co-organized by the Embassy of Japan and the Japan-Norway Society on the occasion of the visit of Duo Aminis - a piano (Ms. Shizuka Shimoyama) and violin (Ms. Kie Terashima) duo who will be performing at Schafteløkken on the 31st of August with the fellowship of Sasakawa Foundation. They are tirelessly bridging the culture of the two countries through music and continue to perform Japanese and Norwegian music in both countries to raise general public's awareness.  

Edvard Grieg: from Lyrics Pieces Op.12
Kosaku Yamada: Karatachi no hana (for piano)
Tadasuke Ohno: Yoimachigusa
Minako Tokuyama: Jo no mai ~Inspired by Shoen Uemura
Ryuichi Sakamoto: Last Regrets / Merry Christmas, Mr.Lawrence
Joe Hisaishi: Mononoke-hime / Merry-go-round of Life  etc.

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Annual mushroom hunt at Bygdøy
10:30 AM10:30

Annual mushroom hunt at Bygdøy

Japan-Norway Society welcomes our members and friends to participate in a guided tour of Bygdøy with a mushroom expert Mrs. Woon Long. We will once again gather in on of beautiful Bygdøy’s peninsulas and listen to Mrs. Woon Long’s introduction on the subject before commencing our search for mushrooms together. We will meet at Huk bus stop (Number 30 bus) in Bygdøy at 10:30 am.

We will spend about one hour and a half together before we adjourn for the day. You are welcome to bring lunch and stay on the peninsula at your leisure after the event has concluded.

Since the 3rd of September is celebrated as Mushroom Day, there will be a mushroom related event organized at the University Botanical Garden from 12:00-15:00. https://oosn.soppognyttevekster.no/nettbutikk/arrangement/soppens-dag-pa-toyen/

Those who wish to continue their search for more mushroom related information (in Norwegian), you are most welcome to proceed to the University Botanical Garden after our event. Otherwise, there will be a mushroom control at Sognsvann between 14:00 and 16:00 that day as well. Read more on that here:


If you are interested in joining us for this exciting autumn event, please use the following registration form and register and pay the participation fee before 30 August. Please note that spots are limited and we will confirm your participation on a first-come, first-served basis.


Members: 100 kr

Family members of JNS members under 18: complimentary

Non members: 200 kr

Non members’ family under 18: 50 kr


Before joining the tour, please download this brochure and familiarize yourselves with mushrooms in Norway:

In addition, please bring with you:

1.   A pocket knife, possibly with a brush

2.   Paper bags

3.   Basket

4.   Insect repellent for your protection

5.   Lunch and picnic gear if you wish to stay on in the peninsula

6.   Print out of the mushroom guide which will also become handy in identifying the mushrooms in the field

We are fortunate to have Mrs. Woon Long with us who has written a book on mushrooms which was translated into various languages.

For Japanese review of the book, you can find it here


The book was also recommended at a Japanese Podcast at around the 26:41 mark in the programme. Listen here.

We look forward to welcoming you to this special event!


About Long Litt Woon: Born in 1958, she is an anthropologist that grew up in Malaysia and went to Norway at age 18 as a student. There, she met and married a Norwegian man, Eiolf Olsen. After many happy years together, he suddenly died one day. Her first book "The Way Through The Woods. Of mushrooms and mourning" is about two journeys: an outer journey about her discovery of the Kingdom of Fungi and an inner journey about her grief. The book has been published in 16 countries and is long-listed for the Jan Michalski prize for Literature in 2019. Ms. Long divides her time between Norway and Malaysia. She updates her social media accounts regularly (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).

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Duo Animi concert at Shaftelokken (discount for JNS members)
5:30 PM17:30

Duo Animi concert at Shaftelokken (discount for JNS members)

Kie Terashima (violinist) and Shizuka Shimoyama (pianist) are both active in a wide range of genre. After co-starring in performances several times, they formally formed a duo in 2019. Under the name ANIMIS, which derives from the Esperanto word meaning "breathing life into", one of their main activities is the introduction of Scandinavian works in Japan. In their performances, they continue to play good unknown pieces from Scandinavia. In April 2020, they released their first CD "Mélodies tendres" as a duo, and in the fall of the same year, they released "Scènes", the first in the Scandinavian CD series. "Scènes" includes works by Norwegian composer Christian Siding, Swedish composers Sjogren and Stenhammar, and Finnish composer Sibelius. 

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Free guided tour of Samurai Exhibition at Historisk Museet for JNS members
12:00 PM12:00

Free guided tour of Samurai Exhibition at Historisk Museet for JNS members

A guided tour of the Samurai Exhibition; Saturday 26th of August 12:00-13:00 or later

Some of you joined the opening of the Samurai exhibition at the Historical Museum in Oslo on the 15th of June. See www.historiskmuseum.no for more details. JNS supports the exhibition and there will be three exclusive guided tours for J-NS members free of charge. The guided tours will be on the following dates:

·       Saturday 26th of August at 12.00.

·       Thursday 5th of October at 18.00

·       Thursday 2nd of November at 18.00

The first tour on the 26th August will include a aprox 45 minute lecture by a professional curator in the lecture hall and a visit to the exhibition hall. Due to the limited space of the exhibition hall, the maximum number of participants for every guided tour is limited to 20 people on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Please register https://forms.gle/vffEPdKWnnWMhLqo7 for the guided tour on 26 August before 20th of August.

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Oslo Forest Walk
11:00 AM11:00

Oslo Forest Walk

J-NS is kicking off this season's events with a forest walk in the Oslo forest on Sunday 20th of August.

A new area will be explored by walking on forest trails around Aurevatn and up to Lilloseter sportsstue. Total walking distance is 12 - 13 km.

On the way we plan to stop for some berry picking. It is a bit late for blueberries and a bit early for lingonberries (tyttebær). But with a little luck we will find some tasty berries.

The walk starts and ends at Ammerud utfartsparkering. A simple way of getting there by car is to take Road 4 to the Ammerud exit, drive up Ammerudveien (about 1 km), take left at Alundamveien (see sign Lilloseter P), after ab. 100 m take right at Lilloseterveien and reach the parking lot in 150 m. Walking from Ammerud subway station you can take the same route.

Trails are not smooth, so please wear boots with ankle support or solid rubber boots. Please wear long pants. Otherwise, just dress for the weather.

Please sign up for the walk by August 17 and please register here.

If we have to cancel on account of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, it will be announced on Facebook at the latest on Saturday 19  August at 1800.


The board member in charge this day is Åge Grutle and if any questions on the day of the walk he can be contacted at ph: 46941490. 

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Opening of Samurai Exhibition at the Historical Museum for J-NS Members, Thursday 15 June 18:00 - 20:00
6:00 PM18:00

Opening of Samurai Exhibition at the Historical Museum for J-NS Members, Thursday 15 June 18:00 - 20:00

J-NS members are cordially invited to the Opening and a tour of Samurai Exhibition. This is a rare opportunity to see the Japanese armor the Museum has been collecting over the years including a Kabuto which Amundsen brought back when he visited Japan in 1927 with an invitation by the Houchi Newspaper company. J-NS is one of the sponsors of this exhibition and will be organizing three guided tours for the members during the exhibition which runs until the end of the year. (only those who registered before/on the 15th of May will be admitted to the opening)

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12:00 PM12:00

Bygdøy walk 3rd of June 2023 at 12.00

J-NS invites you to join us to walk to the beautiful island of Bygdøy in Oslo.

In Bygdøy we’ll walk on coastal paths as well as in the Bygdøy forest. Hopefully we’ll take you to places that are new to most of you We’ll pass Sæterhytten on Dronningberget, the little «castle» Oscarshall, the Royal family’s summer residence and their farm. We’ll take a rest at Bygdøy Sjøbad a popular beach.

If you’re ready for some cold water swimming please bring your swimming wear

Please also bring a bento for lunch. 

We will start at 12 o’clock and stay out for 3-4 hours. The walk itself will take about 2 hours.

We’ll meet at Skøyen stasjon at 12.00, outside the Mix kiosk (Drammensveien 157).

The event is for JNS-members. Non-members can join in company of a member. Please see event details on Facebook and let us know there if you will come or send an email to post@j-ns.no. The event is free.

Hope to see as many of you at the walk. Dogs are also very welcome.

 Contact person for JNS is Ingrid Fjeldsenden, phone number 95194894.


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3:30 PM15:30

Japan-Norway Society's Summer Reception for 2023

Members of Japan-Norway Society in the calendar year 2023 are invited to a summer reception to be held at the Japanese Ambassador's residence on the 25th of May (Thursday) from 16:00 to 18:00 co-hosted by the Embassy of Japan and the Japan- Norway Society. The deadline for the registration is midnight (Oslo time) on the 11th of May and the invitation was sent to J-NS 2023 members.

15:30 Door will open for registration

16:05 Welcome remarks by the Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Hiroshi Kawamura

16:10 Remarks by Ms. Ingrid Fjeldsenden, J-NS President   

Thereafter, the garden will be open for the members to socialize. 

18:00 End of reception

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Charging up together! -- Business Benkyoukai
6:00 PM18:00

Charging up together! -- Business Benkyoukai

On March 7th, 2023, the J-NS will host a Business “Benkyokai” (mini-seminar):
“Charging up together!”
Norway’s big ambition to create the sustainable new industry and what Japan can contribute to that ambition. 
This is a part of our series of events focusing on presentations and lectures on Japan-Norway related business topics. The aim for JNS is to create an arena to increase your professional knowledge, as well as meet both new acquaintances and potential business partners.
Mr. Sadaharu Koga, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, makes a keynote speech about Japan’s battery strategy and its expectation on potential collaboration with Norway.
Innovation Norway supports the development of Norwegian battery technology and an efficient and profitable battery value chain in Norway. Ms. Nora Rosenberg Grobæk (Head of Battery Tech and Electric Mobility) will give an overview of Norway's big ambition and support mechanisms.
Freyr Battery offers a clean Nordic solution to the rapidly growing global demand for high-density and cost competitive battery cells for stationary ESS, EV, and marine applications. Mr. Sachiya Inagaki (VP Material Supply Supply Business) provides how to build a local supply chain in Nordic.
Corvus Energy is the leading provider of zero emission solutions for the maritime industry and has been able to build a great connection with Japanese players. Mr. Geir Bjørkeli (CEO) will give us an introduction about the collaboration with Japanese partners.
Beyonder has developed the next generation eco-friendly and energy efficient batteries. Mr. Svein Kvernstuen (CEO) will be giving us an introduction to Beyonder, their development plans and outlook on the Japanese market.

A light meal (by Alex Sushi) with soft drink is included in the participation fee.

Venue: Oslo Handelsgymnasium, Parkveien 65, 0254 Oslo.

Time: 18:00-20:30 

Fee: Members/Students: NOK150, 

Non-Members: NOK190
Please register by the following link: https://forms.gle/vrjPb3HokLoYkmWDA or by sending us an e-mail to: event@j-ns.no

The registration will close on March 1st.

Payment can be done by bank transfer to 1609.04.42094 (indicate your name and  Business Benkyokai ), or by VIPPS (search for; Japan Norway Society; and indicate Business Benkyokai). Kindly pay before the registration closes.

We look forward to welcoming as many of you there!

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Bonenkai at Alex Sushi
6:00 PM18:00

Bonenkai at Alex Sushi

We are pleased to revive J-NS's end-of-the-year Bonenkai at a special party venue of Alex Sushi this year after two years' of absence due to COVID Pandemic.

You are therefore cordially invited to this special event on Friday, the 9th of December from 18:00 o'clock onwards.  There may be some surprises during the course of the evening. 

Please register your participation by filling out this form and finalizing your payment by 24th of November.

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