J-NS will arrange another forest walk in Lillomarka Sunday 22th of August.
The walk will take place on forest trails along Aurevatn and up to Lilloseter sportsstue, where you can buy drinks and snacks. Total walking distance is 10 - 11 km. The walk starts (and ends) at Ammerud utfartsparkering at 1100. A simple way of getting there by car is to take Road 4 to the Ammerud exit, drive up Ammerudveien (about 1 km), take left at Alundamveien (see sign Lilloseter P), after ab. 100 m take right at Lilloseterveien and reach the parking lot in 150 m.Walking from Ammerud subway station you can take the same route.
Trails are not smooth, so please wear boots with ankle support or solid rubber boots. Please wear long pants. Otherwise, just dress for the weather.