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Annual General Meeting

Dear Members

The Annual General Meeting of the Japan-Norway Society will be held on Wednesday March 16th 2022 at 1830. Due to the ongoing COVIC-19 pandemic and Japanese restrictions which means that we still  cannot return to the old format of combining the meeting with a reception at the Japanese Embassy, the meeting will be online.

The Japanese Embassy will invite members to a reception closer to the summer if the COVID-situation permits.

This invitation is only for J-NS  members who paid their 2021 membership fee (or were exempted due to continuous payment for 2019 and 2020). 

Please join by registering using the following link:

Supporting documents are to be found here:

The Microsoft Teams link will be distributed to the participants prior to the event.

Agenda for Annual General Meeting:

1. Welcome

2. Adress by the His Excellency the Ambassador of Japan

3.  Report of the activities and accounts (Please see annual report attached)

4. Presentation of the detailed accounts (Please see attached sheet)

5. Elections (Please see attached proposal)

6. Plans for the coming year (Will be presented at the meeting)

If anyone wants to raise any other issues at the meeting, please inform the board at least one week before the meeting to ensure a smooth operation.
We look forward to welcoming you all on March 16th.

Best regards,
J-NS Board of Directors

Earlier Event: March 10
Suiyokai @ Ezo Ramen